Night Or Day?
Being out of work for a month is evidenced in my new TV talents. I am able to tell you what is on TV on at least five channels for every hour of the day. Before you conclude that my talent only works for daytime hours, I should let you know that I am equally as talented at night. In fact, I even know the nick-at-night rotations of my favorite old shows from 1 a.m. until 5 a.m.
I used to be angered as I sit awake burping Abby at 3 a.m. full well knowning Adam is sound asleep. Sometimes, I think he snores just to rub it in that he is sleeping. Anyways, as I was saying, I used to get mad. Lately though, it doesn't seem so bad. I am not sure if this is because I have now memorized which neighbors in the apartment community are up, or if it is because I am simply used to being awake at all hours of the night.
The woman straight across the apartment complex, in the apartment with the loft, like the one we originally wanted, dances from around midnight until 1 or 2. I think it is ballet, but of course, I am no expert. I think she sometimes sees Abby and I rocking in the oversized chair in the living room watching her dance. The dancing keeps me entertained and puts Abby to sleep. Abby likes fluid movement and there is none more fluid than a ballet dancer.

Abby takes her best nap in the early afternoon. Everyone says that I should be napping at this time too, but even after a month, I cannot get myself to. If I nap any semblance of adult life, wrapped in sanity, is gone. Then my world truly is ordered and arranged by our new arrival, Abigail.
The colic thing is surreal, certainly.
What's working now for our daughter Arianne is to lay her on her side, turn off all stimulus (light, sound). Lay closely beside her but try not to actually touch her or even look at her. I know this seems too much but the moment I open my eyes she begins to scream again. She senses you as alert rather than calming.
dare I merely suggest...
Instead, let her hear you breathe. When you breathe out I make a "wossshhhhh" womb sound. Or at least I think it's mimetic, sorta...
Anyway, just be calm and consistent. You know, the impossible...
Arianne's now down to about an hour or two of uncontrollable evening screaming. What fun we're now having since this is down from 6+ hours. We've made popcorn...
Moreover she's staying asleep nearly 2-3 hours. We're feeling hopeful now that the abyss smiles, benevolently back, the odd time...
We did everything before - swinging, swaddling, bouncing on the ball, the fan, and even the vacuum cleaner.
Loud white noise works but I find it further disorientating for her rather than soothing.
Pacifiers can work, but she's not easily pacified. This is a good thing as a precocious personality trait. I get giddy when other parents have framed colic as... "they're just trying to communicate... the only way they know how".
The over-stimulated baby notion is my best working hypothesis. Arianne being a 27 week old "preemie" tends further slide into the colic camp.. She has a very nervous system, but she's also smiling so much more...
Good luck. Think that 3-6 month period helps prepare for the exorcism... we're nearly at 3mo.
Abigail will Zen, too!
David, Julie and Arianne
9:08 PM
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